The FaultLines Mission

We’ve always taken information and knowledge as a journey of curiosity. It is our mission to empower our readers with the insights needed to simplify complex issues and understand the world better. The information you will gain here will take you on the journey of curiosity, will add context to cultures and give you clarity, which present day journalism is deliberately lacking. 

The Story of FaultLines

FaultLines began as simple blog to share thoughts about events that shaped the world. While FaultLines began its original journey in 2014, it took some time to start crawling. Later, in its new avatar, FaultLines started walking. The next giant leap it is about to take will make it run faster, better and quicker than most of the blogs from the same category. 

Why FaultLines

  1. Our audience is at the heart of what we do. 
  2. We overdeliver. 
  3. We do the work. 
  4. Our work is approachable. 
  5. We explain why the moment matters. 
  6. We treat identity as central to our work.

Who’s Who At FaultLines?

Majority of the articles that you will read on FaultLines have been written by Harshit Mansukhani. A person who thinks writing simple yet effective topics will help deliver the FaultLines mission. He is enthusiastic about Communications, International Relations, Writing and Digital Technologies. 

Meet Harshit on

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